Drugs and Medical

Drugs and Medical


El-Ali Drug and Medical Equipment Company specialized in whole sale distributor of pharmaceutical and equipment. Our business started in 2 0 0 6 as on l y phar m aceu tical
distributor in Somalia market and neighboring countries, like Ethiopia and Kenya. Our business motto is honest, professional and reliable company, we supply high quality products first delivery and sincere after sales services, because of our business principle of clients first.

2006, sales representatives have been going to the field in the morning and directly back home after work. El-Ali has longed for a s y s t e m w h i c h m i n i m i z e s
document work and puts sales representatives closer to the

El-Ali Company was able to increase the quality gap with other companies by working
to achieve Sales revolution by closing all sales stores, allowing the representatives to wor k at home, and specif y i ng t he teams into groups with the power to make decisions.


Email Address: drugs@elaligroup.com

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